UK Gov: Schools financial efficiency: the role of the school governor
September 2017 Updated information about the schools financial benchmarking service.
Information for school governors about their role overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure money is well spent.
OECD: Education at a Glance (Sept 2017)
OECD Indicators is the authoritative source for information on the state of education around the world
UK Gov: Consultation outcome of Primary assessment Review in England Sept 2017 Update
Education Endowment Foundation's (EFF) Toolkit - An accessible summary of the International Evidence of Teaching 5-16 year olds
Visible Learning (2015 update) John Hattie developed a way of ranking various influences in 1200 different meta-analyses related to learning and achievement according to their effect sizes. A useful starting point with the EFF Toolkit to justify the research based effectiveness of any intervention.
Useful updates to policy and international research for Education practitioners
Coasting Schools Calculator: Use this resource from the NAHT to see if your schools falls into the UK Gov classification of a coasting schools for 2017-18 PRIMARY SECONDARY
NAHT Summary Paper on Maths Mastery - A useful introduction for International Schools to the approach being trialled in many UK Primary Schools
UK Gov Oct 2017 Take a look at OFSTED's proposed dashboard for schools with this example